This is the single largest MP in the course, with both core and elective points. The core parts are core for two reasons.

In the short term, we’re about to learn WebGL2. WebGL2 is simpler than some other 3D APIs, but it is still quite complicated, needing to coordinate between multiple processors, memory pools, and languages. This assignment has you implement (and thus learn and internalize) a portion of that API a piece at a time in a language you’re familiar with without the complexity of the Browser-CPU-GPU communication component of WebGL2.

In the long term, I want to show you there’s no magic in graphics by revealing how each piece of current graphics systems work. You remember what you do for far longer than you remember what you’ve merely been told, so implementing is key to that. An essential piece of graphics is how triangles are rendered and interpolated across, so that’s core. The various electives are all also common and useful, though less essential.

1 Core

Implement the core parts of a simplified version of the WebGL API that we’ll be using for most other MPs. In particular,

  1. Write a program that reads a .txt file and produces a .png file. It will be invoked as e.g. ./yourprogram exampleInput.txt, via a makefile.

  2. Handle the input file keywords png, position 4 ..., color 3 ..., and drawArraysTriangles. See our notes on program state for tips on doing this well.

  3. Implement the DDA algorithm, and the scanline algorithm which consists of repeated invocations of DDA. These algorithms are defined down to the pixel in almost all contexts, and should match the provided input files and their outputs very closely. Almost all successful submissions follow our DDA pseudocode and scanline diagram closely.

  4. Implement division by w and viewport transformations. See our notes on algorithms for tips on doing this well.

2 Electives

You may stop after implementing the core parts. Elective parts may be implemented in any set of MPs, and getting 0 electives here is fine if you do extra electives elsewhere.

The first four elective components complete the core functionality; they are prerequisite to the other electives in this MP.

Pt Keywords Prereqs Test cases
1 elements and drawElementsTriangles rast-elements.txt
2 depth rast-depth.txt
1 sRGB rast-sRGB.txt and rast-gammabox.txt
2 hyp depth and sRGB rast-perspective.txt

The other electives are mostly independent of one another, with the first four electives as their only prereqs. However, there are a few exceptions where additional prereqs are needed:

Pt Keywords Additional Prereqs Test cases
2 frustum rast-frustum.txt and rast-manyclip.txt
0.5 cull rast-cull.txt
1 fsaa rast-fsaa2.txt and rast-fsaa8.txt
2 color 4 rast-alpha.txt
2 uniformMatrix rast-matrix.txt
0.5 position 3 and position 2 uniformMatrix rast-2d3d.txt
3 texture and texcoord rast-textures.txt
2 pointsize and drawArraysPoints texture rast-points1.txt and rast-points2.txt
1 decal texture and texcoord rast-decals.txt

3 What you submit

For this MP you submit one program, in any language of your choosing, that implements all of the core and any elective functionality you choose. The program will be executed as follows:

make build
make run file=rast-grey.txt
make run file=rast-smallgap.txt
# ...
make run file=rast-points2.txt

See the associated warm-up for more on how to set up a Makefile and generate PNG images.

It is tedious to grade output files for inputs you haven’t implemented. Because of that you’ll be asked to submit a file named implemented.txt which lists the optional parts you implemented; in particular, it should be a subset of the following


Submitting a file that says you implemented something you didn’t may result in a small professionalism penalty for wasting grader time.

4 Test Files

All test input files, reference output files, and supporting files can be downloaded as a zip

4.1 Core

Input Output Notes
rast-gray.txt Comments inside input file give intermediate computation results.
rast-smallgap.txt Checks especially for boundary via the gap between triangles and the initial offsets via the lack of horizontal bands in the color of the left triangle.
rast-smoothcolor.txt Various interpolation errors can be detected because in this image they’ll create a color difference on the front triangle.
rast-checkers.txt More than a hundred adjacent 1-pixel-wide triangles to test alignment. Note especially the white row on the top.
Some pixels DDA generates will be off-screen. You can simply ignore (not draw) those pixels.
You may wish to try this with a higher-res output (up the png size several fold on the first line) to see how triangles make this image.

4.2 Elective but regularly used by WebGL2 programmers

Input Output Notes
rast-depth.txt Created by a combination of (a) depth interpolation to each pixel and (b) comparison with a per-pixel depth value; if you plot the depth of each pixel as a gray-scale color you should get something like this:

4.3 Electives that are always enabled in WebGL2

Input Output Notes
rast-sRGB.txt rast-smoothcolor with sRGB; note that adding sRGB makes it much brighter overall.
rast-gammabox.txt rast-checkers with sRGB; if your monitor is properly calibrated, squinting should make this look uniformly gray.
rast-perspective.txt The left wall is split in the middle; the right wall is not; they should have the same overall color, and match the color of the horizontal bar where it crosses them.
rast-frustum.txt Includes both zero and negative w values; if you don’t clip it probably won’t run at all.
rast-manyclip.txt Two intersecting triangles extending both behind and in front of camera clipped by several frustum walls.

4.4 Electives that WebGL implements as shaders

Input Output Notes
rast-textures.txt Note that straight lines in the textures look straight because the file uses hyp; without that it would have had changes in angle where the two triangles of each face met, like this:

There are multiple places in texture code where rounding can be done in several ways; rather than enumerate them all, we accept images where the textures are shifted up to one full texel from our reference images.
rast-matrix.txt This is an RGB/CMY cube rendered twice using matrices we’ll learn to construct later in the course.
Input Output Notes
rast-2d3d.txt Cube uses position 3; rectangle uses position 2; both use uniformMatrix to verify that they are converted to 4-vectors internally.
rast-cull.txt Both cubes have the same 12 triangles, though one has them at half the size of the other; but the specification order differs. For example, one cube has triangle 0 1 2 and the other 1 0 2, leading one to be clockwise and the other counter-clockwise when rendered.
Input Output Notes
rast-alpha.txt There are many different things that can go wrong here; the most common erros are:
• Using premultiplied alpha formulas.
• Using sRGB for one color and linear for the other.
• Trying to apply sRGB to alpha channel.
• Cumulative rounding errors from repeated conversion to bytes and back to floats.
• Not storing the resulting alpha in the frame buffer.
rast-fsaa2.txt re-colored rast-depth with 2×2 subpixels for 4 levels of opacity along borders.
rast-fsaa8.txt re-colored rast-depth with 8×8 subpixels for 256 levels of opacity along borders.
You may wish to try adding fsaa 8 to the rast-gammabox.txt and see if you can explain what comes out and where the new horizontal bands come from
rast-points1.txt Points, some colored and some textured, overlapping with triangles.
rast-points2.txt The same as rast-points1 but with different image dimensions, emphasizing that point sizes are specified in pixels and do not expand if placed in a bigger image.

5 State

In this assignment you will implement a subset of the GPU operation of WebGL2 and related rendering libraries. The commands in the text files we provide are inspired by the WebGL2 API, and will work best if you mimic in your code the GPU state that WebGL2 expects.

You’ll have four broad kinds of state:

  • Mode-switching state, mostly Booleans like is the depth buffer on?
  • Uniform state shared by all geometry being rendered, such as texture maps and matrices
  • Per-vertex attributes, stored in array buffers
  • Connectivity state, stored in element array buffers

The attribute buffers in WebGL2 are assumed to be variable-length arrays of 4-vectors. WebGL2 lets you specify many such buffers and use them in programmable ways using vertex shaders; in this assignment we have just a few specific attributes:

  • position, with coordinates (x,y,z,w)
  • color, with coordinates (r,g,b,a)
  • texcoord, with coordinates (s,t)
  • pointsize, with coordinates (p)

WebGL2 lets you specify attributes with different numbers of coordinates than the internal state would suggest. It fills in missing coordinates as (0,0,0,1):

  • if just one value x is supplied use (x,0,0,1);
  • if two values (x,y) are supplied use (x,y,0,1);
  • if three values (x,y,z) are supplied use (x,y,z,1);
  • if four values (x,y,z,w) are supplied use (x,y,z,w).

The element array buffer is just a list of integers.

6 Algorithm

Most lines of the input file will be manipulating state, after which will be a drawing command. The drawing command tells you which indices in the attribute buffers to connect into primitives. You’ll make those connections and then draw each primitive.

GPUs generally use the Bresenham algorithm to draw triangles, modified with optimizations for cache locality like tiles, optimizations for parallelism like stamps, and optimizations of depth buffers like HiZ. Bresenham is very efficient in hardware as it can avoid some of the complexities of floating-point arithmetic, but you’re writing code to run on the CPU with full floating-point support so we recommend using the simpler but functionally equivalent DDA algorithm instead. We also don’t recommend adding any of the hardware-oriented optimizations.

DDA works on vectors. You should definitely code it with vectors, probably with long vectors including all of the attribute values at a point together in one (i.e. (x,y,z,w,r,g,b,a,s,t) if you implement all the elective parts). The only non-vector operations are:

  • Viewport transformation does different things for x and y
  • DDA should step in y along edges, in x along scanlines
  • Divide-by-w is mostly vector, but the new w is 1/w not w/w
  • Divide-by-1/w is mostly vector, but only applies to non-position parts (i.e., color and texcoord)

That’s it. Every other part of DDA uses vectors, and if you find yourself writing something[2] or something.z anywhere in your DDA code you did something wrong.

The result of DDA is interpolated values at each pixel. Here you’ll access individual coordinates: x and y to be the pixel coordinate, z for the depth buffer, s and t for texture lookups, a for alpha blending, and (r,g,b) for color.

7 Input keywords

The file may have four types of keywords:

  1. the required png keyword will always be first
  2. mode-setting keywords are optional, but if present will precede any data or drawing keywords
  3. data provision will always be present in some form
  4. drawing occurs after some data provision, but may be interleaved with it

When a drawing command is encountered, it draws with the data provided so far.

Suppose a file has something like

  1. position, color, and texcoord
  2. a draw command
  3. texture and new position
  4. a second draw command

Then the first draw uses the first positions and no texture; the second draw uses the new positions, old texcoord, and texture.

We recommend reading the file once, line by line, modifying state for each non-draw command and rendering based on the current state for each draw command.

7.1 PNG

png width height filename
  • Always present in the input before any other keywords
  • width and height are positive integers
  • filename always ends .png

similar to creating a <canvas> element in WebGL2

7.2 Mode setting

  • enables the depth buffer and depth tests

similar to gl.enable(gl.DEPTH) in WebGL2

  • enables sRGB conversion of colors prior to saving in the PNG file

always enabled in WebGL2

  • enables hyperbolic (also called perspective-correct) interpolation of depth, color, and texture coordinates

always enabled in WebGL2

fsaa level
  • enables full-screen anti-aliasing, also called multisampling
  • level is a small positive integers (between 1 and 8)
  • implement by rendering in a framebuffer and depth buffer with level×level subpixels per final PNG pixel

similar to getContext('webgl2', {antialias:true}) when creating a WebGL2 rendering context; enabled by default on some browsers, not in others

  • enables back-face culling

similar to gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE) and gl.cullFace(gl.BACK) in WebGL2

  • when drawing transparent textures, include the vertex colors underneath
similar to putting code like this in a WebGL2 fragment shader:
uniform sampler2D theImage;
in vec4 vertcolor;
in vec2 texcoord;
out vec4 color
void main() {
    vec4 texcolor = texture(theImage, vec2(s,t));
    color = vec4(texcolor.rgb*texcolor.a + vertcolor.rgb*(1-texcolor.a), 
                             texcolor.a + vertcolor.a - texcolor.a*vertcolor.a);
  • enables frustum clipping

always enabled in WebGL2

7.3 Uniform state

texture filename
  • filename will always end .png and always be the filename of an existing PNG file on the grading server during testing
    • PNG files are specified in sRGB color space; you should either (preferably) convert to linear before processing and then back to sRGB at the end or (less preferably) pass the texel bytes through to the output image unchanged
similar to the following sequence of WebGL2 calls:
let img = new Image()
img.src = filename
img.addEventListener('load', event => {
    let texture = gl.createTexture()
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture)
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.REPEAT)
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.REPEAT)
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST)
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST)
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img)
let bindPoint = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'samplerNameInFragmentShader')
gl.uniform1i(bindPoint, 0)
uniformMatrix n0 n1 n2n14 n15
  • When drawing, multiply the xyzw coordiantes by the following matrix before other operations: \begin{bmatrix}n_0&n_4&n_8&n_{12}\\n_1&n_5&n_9&n_{13}\\n_2&n_6&n_{10}&n_{14}\\n_3&n_7&n_{11}&n_{15}\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}x\\y\\z\\w\end{bmatrix}
similar to the gl.uniformMatrix4fv(m, false, new Gloat32Array([n0, n0, ... n14, n15]) in WebGL2 where the vertex shader includes:
in layout(location=0) position;
uniform mat4 m;
void main() {
    gl_Position = m * position;

and m is returned by gl.getUnformLocation(program, 'm')

7.4 Buffer provision

position size num0 num1 num2
  • size is either 2, 3, or 4

  • there are a size multiple of numbers after size (e.g. if size is 3 there will be 3 or 6 or 9 or 12 or … additional numbers)

  • the numbers are the coordinates of position vectors for vertices, with missing z being implicitly 0 and missing w being implicitly 1.

    position 2 4 1 8 0.4 0.1 0.8

    provides 6 numbers paired for 3 vectors: \big[ (4,1), (8,0.4), (0.1,0.8) \big] or, filling in the missing coordinates to make 4-vectors, \big[ (4,1,0,1), (8,0.4,0,1), (0.1,0.8,0,1) \big]

  • coordinates are provided in normalized device coordinates, with x=-1 being the left edge of the screen and +1 the right edge; y=-1 the top edge of the screen and +1 the bottom edge, etc.

similar to the following sequence of WebGL2 calls:
let buffer = gl.createBuffer()
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFER, buffer)
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFER, new Float32Array(num0, num1, num2, ...), gl.STATIC_DRAW)
gl.vertexAttribPointer(7, size, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0)

where the vertex shader has in layout(location=7) position;

color size num0 num1 num2
  • size is either 3, or 4
  • otherwise similar to position, but giving RGBA colors instead of XYZW positions
  • RGB colors are provided in linear color space (not sRGB) with 0 = no intensity and 1 = full-intensity light
  • A, if provided, is opacity with 0 = fully transparent and 1 = fully opaque

similar to how WebGL2 blends if you call gl.enable(gl.BLEND) and gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

texcoord size num0 num1 num2
  • size is always 2
  • otherwise similar to position, but giving ST texture coordinates instead of XYZW positions
  • coordinates are provided in normalized texel coordinates, with (0,0) one corner of the texture and (1,1) the opposite corner
  • wrap coordinates into the 0–1 range after interpolation. For example, texel coordinates -0.3, 0.7, and 1.7 would all render the same (i.e. as if they were 0.7).
pointsize size num0 num1 num2
  • size is always 1
  • otherwise similar to position, but giving point sizes instead of XYZW positions
  • coordinates are provided as the size of rendered points, measured in pixels.
elements i0 i1 i2
  • all indices are non-negative integers
similar to the following sequence of WebGL2 calls:
let buffer = gl.createBuffer()
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFER, buffer)
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFER, new Uint16Array(i0, i1, i2, ...), gl.STATIC_DRAW)

7.5 Drawing

drawArraysTriangles first count
  • count will be a multiple of 3 (this is not required in WebGL2)

  • draws a triangle with vertices position[first+0], position[first+1], position[first+2] and corresponding color and texcoords

    draws a triangle with vertices position[first+3], position[first+4], position[first+5] and corresponding color and texcoords

    draws a triangle with vertices position[first+count-3], position[first+count-2], position[first+count-1] and corresponding color and texcoords

similar to gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, first, count) in WebGL2

drawElementsTriangles count offset
  • count will be a multiple of 3 (this is not required in WebGL2)

  • draws a triangle with vertices position[elements[offset+0]], position[elements[offset+1]], position[elements[offset+2]] and corresponding color and texcoords

    draws a triangle with vertices position[elements[offset+3]], position[elements[offset+4]], position[elements[offset+5]] and corresponding color and texcoords

    … and so on up to position[element[offset+count-1]]

similar to gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, count, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offset) in WebGL2

drawArraysPoints first count
  • draws a square centered on position[first+0] with diameter pointsize[first+0] pixels and color color[first+0]

    draws a square centered on position[first+1] with diameter pointsize[first+1] pixels and color color[first+0]

    … and so on up to position[first+count-1]

  • each square has texture coordinates varying from (0,0) in its top-left corner to (1,1) in its bottom-right corner; this is similar to the built-in gl_PointCoord in WebGL2

similar to gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, first, count) in WebGL2